Come home to yourself!

I love sharing human design in this type of format as it allows for true, life-changing, integration.

This series requires a 3-week commitment. We will meet 1:1 for 60 minutes, once per week, over the course of 3 weeks. We will cover everything that would be covered in a regular reading plus much more (and in greater depth) than a singular reading allows. You will receive a recording of each session to revisit whenever you need a refresher!

The loose plan:

Week 1

We will start with the foundations of your human design type (the blueprint of your energy), your strategy and authority (how you’re designed to make decisions), your profile (how you show up in the world), and other fundamentals to begin to re-align with your authentic self.

Week 2

We’ll dive into your centres which help us understand where you are consistently and reliably you, where you may be most vulnerable to the energies of those around you, and to further differentiate between the conditioned you and the authentic you. There is a LOT we can learn from our centres so this make take up the whole 60 minutes, but if time allows we will also jump into your gates and channels

Week 3 

We will go deep into the most prominent gates and channels in your chart. Your gates and channels are like the filters you experience the energy of the centres through and are tied in to your inherent gifts and underlying threads of your life. We will also use this session to talk about lifestyle elements such as your digestion type, environment, and overall self-care tips specific to your chart. After our final session, we will stay in touch for another full week via Voxer (voice memo app) to further support your integration process.

Are you intrigued, but not sure if this offering is for you?

Book a free 15 minute discovery call and we can chat about where you’re at. I can answer any questions you may have so you can make an empowered decision.

3 x 60 Minute Sessions | $333